NuMFor 9f2ab49 (2024-04-08)
Numerical (Modern) Fortran. Library for Simple Numerical computing
qawo Interface Reference

Subroutine qawo is designed for integrands with an oscillatory factor,. More...

Detailed Description

Subroutine qawo is designed for integrands with an oscillatory factor,.

\[ I= \int_{a}^{b} f(x) W(x) dx \]

where $ W(x) = \sin(\omega x)$ or $ W(x) = \cos(\omega x)$.

[in]fThe function to integrate
[in]a(real) lower limit of integration
[in]b(real) upper limit of integration
[in]omega(real) factor in the weight function
[in]flgw(integer) flag indicating if weight is cosine (flgw=1)
[in]args(real, array, optional) extra arguments (if needed) to be passed to the function f
[out]IntVal(same kind as f) Approximation to integral
[in]epsabs(real, optional) Absolute accuracy requested. Default = 1.e-7
[in]epsrel(real, optional) Relative accuracy requested. Default = 1.e-5
[out]abserr(real, optional) Estimation of absolute error achieved
[out]neval(integer, optional) Number of function evaluations performed
[out]ier(integer, optional) Error code
[in,out]info(optional) Information and workspace. Must be of type d_qp_extra for integration of real functions and of type c_qp_extra for integration of complex functions
An automatic subdivision of the interval is preformed and results are extrapolated using the epsilon-algorithm to accelerate the convergence of the integral.

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